Gnaphalium californicum (aka Pseudognaphalium californicum)
It's always fun finding a new plant that I have absolutely no idea what it is. Thanks to Rooted in California, I got a lead and looked into it. This plant is also called California everlasting or ladies' tobacco and can also be found under the genus Gnaphalium - maybe those who are in the know believe this isn't a real cudweed by adding pseudo. Simply based on online photos, the flower is superficially similar to pearly everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea). I wonder if many online pictures are misidentified which creates some confusion for a novice like me. I do think this cudweed can be distinguished from pearly everlasting by the distinctive way how the leaf bases wrap around the stems and the slightly pointier buds.
ps 07/25/11 - As I've looked into a new post, Gnaphalium is the name used on I haven't quite figured out why Jepson online is different from the 2nd edition in its acceptance of Pseudognaphalium as an alternative. In any case, I edited the scientific name above to include both possibilities.
ps 07/25/11 - As I've looked into a new post, Gnaphalium is the name used on I haven't quite figured out why Jepson online is different from the 2nd edition in its acceptance of Pseudognaphalium as an alternative. In any case, I edited the scientific name above to include both possibilities.
Thanks for all the legwork. I'm pretty lazy about absolute ideas. I wish my pictures were better, but it looks like mine is in fact cudweed as well. I'll fix my post soon.
No problem. Again, if it weren't for your post, I would not have known where to begin to look.
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