This is a
federally endangered species. We visited
Huckleberry Hill June 2, 2010 and the only evidence of this orchid at the time were numerous flags and signs. I don't know what the leaves look like, but I got down on my hands and knees and searched all around several flags for anything green. Really, the only things growing in this 30 yard stretch of path were rattlesnake grass (
Briza maxima), an unidentified single-stem legume, bushes I believe are Eastwood's manzanita (
Arctostaphylos glandulosa), and Monterey pine (
Pinus radiata). Thanks to
Native Orchids flickr post of another Piperia, I suspected Yadon's might be blooming now and went on an orchid hunt instead of my usual early morning walk.
Bingo! It's not a very big plant, maybe 8-14" tall and would be very easy to overlook. My photos look nothing like a particular photo used on both Wikipedia and
It was interesting to note that more than half the flags seemed to have blooming orchids nearby and a smaller number of blooms had no flag at all. I also found a couple orchids eaten down to the stems or pulled up from the roots.
I rarely go out looking for something this specific, but I'm glad I did.
Vern Yadon (yes, the same for whom this orchid is named) states there are 14 orchid species, with 7 being
Piperia, in Monterey County.
ps 08/26/11 - Ha! Looks like the picture used for both Wikipedia and CalPhotos was incorrectly identified. Phew! No wonder I was so confused when first looking at this orchid. I've already contacted the owner of the picture to see if he can get it placed properly online.
pss 12/30/13 - The
California Department of Transportation has requested permission to use my first photo above on a vista viewpoint interpretive sign. Cool!