Fulica americana
For all our futile searching for the wacky looking baby coots this past spring and summer, we not once spotted even an adult coot. They must nest elsewhere, despite numerous websites and books stating they're here year-round. I wish I had logged when we started seeing the adults in our area again; I think it might have been October, but I can't be sure of my memory now. In any case, we're now spotting numerous coots everywhere, from Crespi Pond along Shoreline Park as shown above, to El Estero, to Moss Landing and Elkhorn Slough. They're funny looking birds.
ps 10/02/11 - We saw our first coot of the season at Crespi Pond today. There was only one. I'm sure more will come. I still don't know where they nest. I really want to see a baby coot in person some day.
ps 10/02/11 - We saw our first coot of the season at Crespi Pond today. There was only one. I'm sure more will come. I still don't know where they nest. I really want to see a baby coot in person some day.