Saturday, September 30, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
variable checkerspot ~ 05/27/06 ~ Garland Ranch
Euphydryas chalcedona
I am always amazed at how variable these checkerspots really are!
Gabb's checkerspot ~ 05/27/06 ~ Garland Ranch
Chlosyne gabbii
I'm fairly sure about this ID, even though I have never heard of Gabb's until I looked it up. If anyone has any additional thoughts, please let me know!
ps 03/07/10 - Art Shapiro confirmed my ID.
ps 03/07/10 - Art Shapiro confirmed my ID.
ps 03/10/10 - I very much want to call this a square-spotted blue (Euphilotes battoides) simply to have a new species on my blog. However, given the length of the orange band all the way to the HW apex and lack of FW checked fringes, I'll concede it must be an acmon female.
pss 07/01/11 - I updated the embedded links. Now that I look at the picture again, it's obvious this individual does not have the bold squarish spots on the underside typical of Euphilotes.
pss 07/01/11 - I updated the embedded links. Now that I look at the picture again, it's obvious this individual does not have the bold squarish spots on the underside typical of Euphilotes.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
black-tailed deer ~ 04/18/06 ~ at home
Echium candicans
These are probably the very first pictures of deer I have from home. It was so exciting at the time to see them in the park below our balcony... but now it's a bit mundane, so much so that we get a bit peeved when tourists block our driveway in order to take pictures of the deer. The purple flowers are pride of Madeira.
ps 11/19/10 - Now that I look at these pictures again, I wonder if these were triplets with their mother.
ps 11/19/10 - Now that I look at these pictures again, I wonder if these were triplets with their mother.
Sunday, April 9, 2006
April 9, 2006
ps 03/09/10 - We cannot actually see the sun setting from home, so most labeled sunset pics are all about the clouds and the bay in the late afternoon. Yes, I know, we're on the coast of CA. We are also on a peninsula and we can see the sunrise from home, but not sunsets... unless we take the time to walk or drive to the other side that faces west towards the Pacific Ocean, not the Monterey Bay.
Saturday, April 8, 2006
oaks ~ 04/08/06 ~ Garland Ranch
Spring is the best time in my opinion for hiking at Garland Ranch. Everything is so lush and green... at least by CA standards.
wedding day ~ 04/08/06 ~ Garland Ranch
Here's where we exchanged marriage vows, under the natural arch of this oak tree. It's about a 45 minute hike from the parking lot, up the hill past the waterfall in Garland Ranch (or an hour and a half hike with a pregnant maid of honor who needed to stop every few minutes to rest). Incredibly, with a month of nonstop rain before and after, we had a clear sunny day for our wedding. Everything was lush green from the rains, but there weren't too many wildflowers. Nature was our venue, and we had umbrellas as a gift.