We don't go hiking here as much as we'd like because of the crowds. It's so beautiful here, it's no wonder it's so popular. Too bad it's on the list of State Parks that may be closed to the public in the coming year.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Possibly related to the variable checkerspot?
ps - Possible ID is elegant sheep moth (Hemileuca eglanterina).
Ref: https://calphotos.berkeley.edu/cgi/img_query?where-taxon=Hemileuca+eglanterina&where-lifeform=specimen_tag&rel-lifeform=ne&rel-taxon=begins+with&title_tag=Hemileuca+eglanterina
fairy lantern / white globe lily
Calochortus albus
I love finding these and have seen them at Garland Ranch before.