Amaryllis belladonna
Amaryllidaceae (formerly Liliaceae)
With all the August fogville gloom around here, I'm happy to post something bright and cheerful. The cool, wet weather sometimes gets me down, but I'd rather pull on a sweater than have to endure the 90-100+ temps inland. While I suspect these naked ladies were purposely planted along the rec trail, I'm keeping them under my non-native plants label for now because I have seen them growing wild. I may have to rethink this later as most I've seen lately have been in yards and should be labeled under garden plants. You may notice many of my label categories seem arbitrary, but they make sense to me and I do try to be consistent.
ps 03/19/14 - For an excellent post of this March lily, as they are known in South Africa, check out Elephant's Eye.
ps 03/19/14 - For an excellent post of this March lily, as they are known in South Africa, check out Elephant's Eye.