west coast lady nectaring on common heliotrope
I've seen a fair number of west coast ladies this unusually warm coastal summer, but only here in town since I'm rarely out in the field late enough in the afternoon to see these beauties. When I decided to pursue studying butterflies this year, Andy made a request early on that I be home for dinner if at all possible. Eating dinner together is important to us, and he used to bring me take-out when I worked late at the office. The nice thing now is he doesn't mind cooking if I'm too pooped out from a day of hiking. It may seem old-fashioned, but it works for us.
Usually, I'll spot the west coast ladies swirling-flirting with their more numerous and bossy cousins, the red admirals, around tall west-facing backdrops, be it trees or buildings. This particular spot in the Cooper Molera Garden is great for seeing all kinds of butterflies because of the south-sided warmth of the surrounding historic buildings and this pleasantly scented garden bush. The flowers look to me like a cross between heliotropes and fiddlenecks, but the soft leaves and huge bushy shape throw me. The volunteer-run Cooper Store has several handfuls of index-carded photos of the plants in the garden with their IDs. The next time I'm in, I'll try to remember to look-up this garden plant.
ps 10/15/14 - Thanks to Ken's comments, I now have an ID and corrected the above.
ps 10/15/14 - Thanks to Ken's comments, I now have an ID and corrected the above.