Wednesday, May 18, 2011

habitat ~ 05/18/11 ~ California State University, Monterey Bay

This was the day my husband Andy celebrated the completion of his multiple subject teaching program. Two years ago when he was laid off from his job of over 10 years, his dream of becoming a teacher turned into a real possibility. As I post this on 06/16/11, he already has his own 2nd grade summer school class at the elementary school where he volunteered for years and did his last semester of student teaching. I'm incredibly proud of him!

This was also the day I finally got in to see a specialist and missed the appreciation tea part of the celebration. In a big way, this day was a milestone in both our lives. The photo above was taken outside the campus library. I love the contrast of the setting sun on the coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia var. agrifolia) with the dark rain clouds behind.


TexWisGirl said...

congratulations to your husband! that's a beautiful shot too.

Anonymous said...

Ooo boy, second graders. Seems like today second graders are like the junior high schoolers of 40 years ago. Good luck to your husband. That photo is great. I love the contrast of sky to ground.

Jennifer said...

One of my favorite things EVER are dark cloudy skies contrasting with the shining sun. Beautiful!

I'm so happy for Andy, and for you.

Imperfect and Tense said...

Congrats to Andy! The photo captures the essence of the turning point in your lives.

Katie (Nature ID) said...

Thanks, everyone! I was amazed at how symbolic the photo turned out to be.

Sue Langley said...

Congratulations to your hubs! I'm a big cloud watcher and wish I knew more about weather patterns but storm clouds like this can sometimes pass right through without any rain. Interesting, the light and darks!