Trichostema lanatum
It's so fuzzy! I love all things soft and fuzzy. At first glance the well-named woolly bluecurls reminded me of the non-native Mexican bush sage (Salvia leucantha), a deer-resistant plant I frequently see and touch in gardens around the Monterey area. I'd opt for this native in my dream garden, but it looks a little challenging to grow.
Does it smell better than the Mexican bush sage? I don't like the smell at all but leave some in the garden because the birds and bees do come to the salvia.
I actually didn't smell the woolly bluecurls, because I've gotten out of the habit of taking big whiffs after a couple bad experiences from other unknown plants. Las Pilitas Nursery (embedded in the text under the common name woolly bluecurls) states, "Both the flower and foliage has a sweet fragrance like freshly cut cedar with a bouquet of lavender."
Thank you Katie. Probably is wise not to go around sniffing flowers you have just met.
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