Saturday, September 28, 2013

white sheet lighting ~ 09/28/13 ~ Rocky Creek

Not wanting to miss out on socializing in order to check for insects, I moved the sheet set-up closer to the edge of our evening hangout.  Our camp clearing is at least 50 ft around at the base of a hill and within 15 ft of Rocky Creek. It wasn't ideal considering our camping lanterns competed with light output, but the access for our fellow campers was great.  I experimented a little by placing the light a foot away from the sheet and resting it against the sheet.  It really didn't seem to make much difference.  I got a little more variety of moths and opiliones in this location, but there still wasn't very much activity. I suspect if there were a lot, my fellow campers may have freaked out.  All in all it was casual fun, and I think I might do it again.


Imperfect and Tense said...

Somehow, I have resisted the urge to go mothing. The results are always interesting when friends and colleagues do it, but I just can't bring myself to take the plunge. Perhaps it's laziness on my part, I'm not keen on late nights, but I suspect it has more to do with the legions of biting insects that also show up to the party. So I am always impressed when someone braves the elements, the clock and malevolent inverts. Well done, you!

Joe said...

Never seen anyone one do this before. Interesting to see what you get.

Brent said...

Very cool!

Katie (Nature ID) said...

I was impressed by all the non-moths the light attracted. Hey, we were out camping anyways, so it wasn't that much extra effort. I'm just now getting around to posting individual IDs. More to come...