Camissonia ovata
Sun cups were without a doubt the most numerous blooming plant I noticed during this hike at Fort Ord. While I've posted sun cups from the InterGarrison entrance before, I want to log the March date of blooming and show a diversity of photo angles. Lately, whenever I can I try to show a close-up shot or detail of some sort, a medium range shot, and a step-back shot.
Liking the ant's eye view first up!:o)
oh, I really like that first shot. Sun cups have something funky about their ovaries that I can't remember right now, just too impressed with that side view up.
Thanks! I wanted to 'show' it's a low-growing plant. I've added a new label "*ant's eye view" just for you two, whenever I actually have my point-and- shoot on the ground:*%20%20ant%27s%20eye%20view
Cindy, I kind of remember the same thing about the ovaries, something about them being located below the flower? I've been reading about so many different flowers recently that I can't find the reference.
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